About Civil 3D

Gerald Atkins has been a Registered Civil Engineer in California, Arkansas, and Oklahoma and has accumulated over 55 years of broad Civil Engineering experience with special emphasis in the Planning, Design, and Construction Supervision of   Water Supply, Storage, and Distribution Projects;   Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal Projects;   Roads, Highways, and Traffic Control Projects;   Flood Control and Drainage Projects;   Site Development Projects;   and Other Civil Engineering Projects.

Mr. Atkins has been working with AutoCAD since 1992 and Civil 3D since 2008.   He became very proficient with Civil 3D and wrote an Instruction Manual with Template and Tutorial Drawings with the Title “Civil Design Draft Construction Drawings Utilizing AutoCAD Civil 3D for Road, Drainage, Water, and Sewer Improvement Projects” for which Copyright Txu 2-165-129 was obtained.   Mr. Atkins also created the “AutoCAD Civil 3D Video Series” which contains over 90 Videos based on the Instruction Manual.

The Manuals and Videos contain Detailed, Step-by-Step, Easy-to-Follow Illustrations for the Preparation of Construction Drawings Utilizing AutoCAD Civil 3D.   There are over 70 Tutorial Drawings which allow a person to start at the beginning or at any point in the Civil 3D Learning Process and proceed at their own pace and time.   These Products are the Best Available for Learning how to use over 90% of the AutoCAD Civil 3D Procedures in the Shortest Time Possible.   A person not only Learns Civil 3D, but also Learns the Processes required for the Preparation of a Complete Set of Construction Drawings.   The Videos and Condensed Outline can also be used as a Quick Reference for Civil 3D Procedures.

The Template Drawing contains over 90% of the Settings with associated Layers and Colors that are normally used in the Preparation of Construction Drawings.   The Template Drawing can be used with little or no modifications and save a person hundreds of hours in the creation of these settings.   The procedures used in AutoCAD Civil 3D are similar for all versions from 2008 to the latest with the only difference being that the newer versions have more advanced commands and other options.   The basic procedures are the same.   The 2016 version of AutoCAD Civil 3D was used in the preparation of the Template and Tutorial Drawings and are applicable for use on any later version of Civil 3D.